Safe & Adventurous Komodo Boat Trip with Young Kids

Children loves exploration, and Komodo National Park is basically a land full of strange things waiting to be discovered. For most young children, Komodo boat trip can be a very exciting trip to fulfil their curiosity of the world. The trip to Komodo is usually done by embarking on liveaboard boats for several days, and it can be a very exciting experience for the kids. They gonna life by the sea, sleeping in cabins, having breakfast on boat decks, and exploring a handful of uninhaboted islands. It gets even better if your kids are school age who have develop adequate swimming abilities. They can swim and snorkel in Komodo’s most vibrant diving spot and see marine life from close proximity.

Safe & Adventurous Komodo Boat Trip with Young Kids

Exploring the Komodo, your little kiddos will also get great opportunity to examine rare wildlife that previously can only be seen on screen. Seeing the last and extremely dangerous living dragons, giants flying foxes, dolphins (if you are lucky!) to wild deer and buffalos who lives freely on the park. Komodo boat trip is not just a vacation—it gives more than what schoolbooks could. Here are what the trip could help children upbringing.


Help Them Pack Their Own Things

Komodo boat trip is great to teach kids a sense of responsibility. Packing for a holiday is a life skill set that will be very useful when they grow up.

Prior to departure, help kids enlist everything they need to bring for the trip. Kids will learn how to prioritise important things and eliminate the necessary. Tell them to only bring 2 – 3 toys and make sure they pack their own snorkel gear, toiletries, clothes, and swimsuits.

When your kids had done packing, it’s time to tidy up the rest. As messy as it would be, you need to make sure that their bags is filled with at least:

  • a sneaker (for trekking) and rubber shoes or sandals
  • two set of outfits per day
  • two dressier clothes for special occasions
  • personal medicine
  • raincoat and kid-sized lifeguards jacket

Encourage Struggle and Tenacity to These Young Souls

Komodo is by no means an easy and luxurious trip—even when you choose to stay at luxurious, private liveaboard. Given the rough, long, and sandy terrain, Komodo has prove itself as a challenging adventure—even for adult. The trip, for example, require a long walks around the park to see the dragons. You also need to trek a little to catch the panoramic landscape on Padar, Gili Lawa, and Kelor Island. Encourage your little one on the hard work. Tell them that their struggle and tenacity will be rewarded by Komodo’s stunning nature.

Encourage Kids to Always Ask for Parent’s Permission—for Literally Everything

Though you have give your best guards to keep the children safe on Komodo boat trip, there will always be time when your eyes are off for a second and your child is close to something dangerous. To minimise the risk, teach the kids to always ask for parents’ permission before doing anything, especially during the exploration. For example,

“Daddy, can I see the sea from the deck’s fence?”

“Can I help Uncle Tom fixing his dive gear?

“Can I eat the candy Tina gave me?”

“Can I look closer at the dragon?”

This way, kids are giving cues about what on their mind and you can prepare better guidance for their young minds. Teaching children to ask permission to parents will also minimise chance of unwanted accidents.

Have fun exploring the Komodo National Park with your young explorer!